GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit

Special GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit
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Christophe Farnaud said that the Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU must work together in an attempt to improve stability in the Arab region. (AN Photo/Abdulrahman Shalhoub)
Special GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit
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Christophe Farnaud said that the Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU must work together in an attempt to improve stability in the Arab region. (AN Photo/Abdulrahman Shalhoub)
Special GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit
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Christophe Farnaud said that the Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU must work together in an attempt to improve stability in the Arab region. (AN Photo/Abdulrahman Shalhoub)
Special GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit
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Christophe Farnaud said that the Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU must work together in an attempt to improve stability in the Arab region. (AN Photo/Abdulrahman Shalhoub)
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Updated 10 October 2024

GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit

GCC and EU ‘must work together’ on regional stability, envoy says ahead of inaugural joint summit
  • The EU’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman is ‘convinced that on both Lebanon and on Palestine the GCC and EU can find a common language’
  • Christophe Farnaud was participating in a discussion event in Brussels in the run-up to the first GCC-EU Summit on Oct. 16

RIYADH: The Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU need to work together in an attempt to improve stability in the Arab region, the EU’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman, Christophe Farnaud said.

Speaking during a roundtable discussion ahead of the inaugural GCC-EU Summit in Brussels on Oct. 16, he cited the conflicts in Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen, and Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea, as causes for concern and added: “We have to work together for the stability of the region … we have to work together to promote diplomacy and stability and negotiate solutions to the current crises of the region.

“This will be among the topics that will be broached among the leaders, especially since we are now in a time of very high level of tension and suffering among the people of the region. We all think of Palestine but there is also Lebanon, there is also the risk that we see on the Red Sea (and) in Sudan.

“I’m convinced that on both Lebanon and on Palestine the GCC and EU can find a common language.”

Farnaud said the organizations’ first joint summit will also address a wide range of other topics, including trade, innovation, education and people-to-people relations, in the hope of further strengthening relations and advancing shared interests.

Asked by Arab News how the GCC and EU might work together in an effort to enhance stability and security in the region, the envoy said a “key point” is adoption of “common language.”

He added: “I’m quite optimistic that there will be common talk and common language on Palestine, on Lebanon, on other topics like that, which I think is really needed at the moment. If one state speaks just for itself, it’s interesting but it gives less weight. If all the Europeans and all the GCC countries speak in one voice, it gives more weight to what we have.

“We are at a time when divisions are the worst thing possible, if you want to pass strong messages to the parties, and I think it is necessary now that we have to speak in one voice. If you have all European leaders and all Gulf country leaders speaking in one voice, I think it will make a difference.

“Speaking in one voice and having a clear vision of where we want to go, I think will be very important. What I think is important is that there is an exchange among (the GCC and EU). When you’re at such a high level it’s important that you can exchange and share how you see things and then we will see what kind of common language they have.”

Farnaud said the leaders of member nations of both blocs “will meet, they will talk and they will adopt final conclusions” on topics addressed during the summit.

This year, EU member countries Slovenia, Spain and Ireland officially recognized Palestine as a sovereign state, as did non-member Norway. On the question of whether other EU member states might follow suit, the ambassador said: “On Palestine, the position of the EU, the core position of the EU, is more united than what people think at times,” especially in terms of “working on the long-term political solution, when looking to the Palestinian state, with the two-state solution.”

But he added that it is difficult to say if and when other EU countries will choose to officially recognize Palestine.

“As you know, the principle is accepted by all member states, the only question is the timing,” Farnaud said. “Some have decided to do it already, a significant number, the others want to do it when they consider it to be the most efficient time.”

During the summit, leaders are expected to build upon existing GCC-EU economic, trade and investment cooperation.

“Currently the European Union is the biggest partner of the GCC; in 2023 the trade exchanges reached €170 billion ($186 billion) between GCC and Europe,” Farnaud said.

“They will talk about topics that are key for the future: facing global challenges like climate change, sustainable development, energy transition. All these topics are topics that we have to face together.”

He added that there are a number of fields in which he believes the GCC and EU can work together more effectively, including innovation, education, and health.

The ambassador also discussed the possibility of a Schengen-style arrangement for visa-free travel between GCC and EU countries: “The EU as well as the member states of the GCC share an interest in going further (on the issue). The goal remains, at some point, but it is difficult now to say when. We should keep working on the possibility of a visa-free arrangement between the Schengen area and GCC countries.”

Farnaud highlighted the historical relationship between the GCC and EU, referencing in particular the 1988 agreement that provided the framework for economic and political cooperation between member states of both organizations.

“The relations are not new,” he said. “But since we have shared interests and close relations we have to go further.”

He pointed out that the inaugural summit next week is a result of a GCC-EU ministerial council meeting that took place in Muscat, Oman, on Oct. 10 last year.

“During that meeting … it was after the Hamas attack and the Israel offensive, it was decided that there should be a meeting between the GCC and the EU,” Farnaud said.

During that meeting, he added, discussions also took place on ways to boost cooperation and exchange experience and knowledge in the fields of trade, investment, renewable energy, climate change, cybersecurity and green hydrogen.

ISG Dammam hosts first TEDx, showcases students’ oratory skills 

ISG Dammam hosts first TEDx, showcases students’ oratory skills 
Updated 10 October 2024

ISG Dammam hosts first TEDx, showcases students’ oratory skills 

ISG Dammam hosts first TEDx, showcases students’ oratory skills 
  • The event featured talks by students across grades 7-12 on a variety of topics, ranging from personal growth to global issues

DAMMAM: The International School Group Dammam celebrated a significant milestone on Thursday by hosting its first-ever TEDx event, marking a momentous occasion for the school as 11 students took to the stage to present their ideas and insights. 

The event, themed “Imagine the Impossible,” featured talks by students across grades 7-12 on a variety of topics, ranging from personal growth to global issues.

TEDx refers to independently organized events licensed by TED, a popular global platform known for its short, punchy and powerful talks. 

While TED itself stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, TEDx events are live talks that are community-driven and organized by local groups using the same format as TED conferences, made popular on YouTube. The “x” signals that the event was independently organized while adhering to the stringent TED guidelines and format.

English teacher Nadia Iqbal, who coached the students, shared her pride in their efforts. “The students have put endless hours of work — and the scripts are original. They have really worked from articulating that idea to growing that idea and thinking what we can offer TEDx that was not offered before,” she told Arab News.

Iqbal organized the event alongside the school librarian, Betsey Hawkins.

The TEDx stage was hosted by four students — Gen Grason Kitaoka-Aurelius, Safar Sultan Al-Qahtani, Ayesha Asher and Virginia Brookshire — who offered humorous commentary in between the various speakers. 

The event was attended by families and was also recorded for those unable to attend in person.

Senior Ahmed Faraz, who gave a talk on artificial intelligence in education, was the first speaker of the day. He felt it was a success — for him personally and for the entire school. “We’ve learned so much preparing over the course of a few months — I’m so proud of my school,” he told Arab News.

While nearing the end of his school journey, the 12th grader expressed admiration for the younger participants, noting that he could not have envisioned being able to do this TEDx talk earlier in his life. “Honestly, if I was their age, I would not step on that stage — I was not like them. My hat’s off to them,” Faraz added.

Seventh grader Yeon Elizabeth Kim, who initially joined the event to enhance her college application, spoke about her personal journey in Saudi Arabia from her native South Korea. “I felt really blessed to get the opportunity because I’m usually very quiet and introverted,” she shared with Arab News, adding that the event helped her build confidence.

Izabela Aquino Aniversario explained how overcoming challenges shaped her perspective. “Rejection is a universal experience and everyone should get to know the ‘good’ side of rejection,” she told Arab News, encouraging others to see failure as an opportunity for growth.

“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade,” she said.

The event featured a wide variety of topics, with students offering unique insights and personal antidotes.

Other speakers included Haya Halaweh, who delved into the importance of valuing inner traits over physical appearance; Sarah Emad who addressed the impact of social media on relationships; Mohammed Hamza Jamsheed, who critiqued electric vehicles as a sustainable solution; and Maria Bassim reflected on the “art of procrastination.” 

Omar Majdi Hamdaan spoke about the concept of “grit” and its power in overcoming challenges, while Zarmeena Awan encouraged the audience to chase their dreams with confidence. 

Adam Elmorsy discussed the paradoxical nature of AI and Mohammed Mohid Alam Siddiqi’s talk was on how to prioritize mental health in the digital age.

Parents expressed pride in their children’s performances, with Faraz’s father saying: “The topic that he spoke about — I didn’t know about it ... it was great. It was a great journey.”

This TEDx event at ISG Dammam “reflects the school’s commitment to fostering creativity, leadership and critical thinking in its students,” the school said in a statement.

Students started prepping for their TEDx talk in May, putting in countless after-school hours to craft speeches that reflected their academic knowledge and personal experiences.

Principal Michael Schreider praised the students, telling Arab News that he could not wait for the next event.

“The kids worked very hard; it’s something that we just started last year for the first time, and everyone came together, worked very hard and made this happen,” he said.

Saudi doctor delivers moving speech on charitable healthcare at Riyadh forum

Saudi doctor delivers moving speech on charitable healthcare at Riyadh forum
Updated 10 October 2024

Saudi doctor delivers moving speech on charitable healthcare at Riyadh forum

Saudi doctor delivers moving speech on charitable healthcare at Riyadh forum
  • Get out of your comfort zone, navigate, this is where success comes in with challenges, says Al-Hazzaa

RIYADH: A Saudi doctor shared the inspiring story of how she founded a startup that provides free AI-powered eye examinations to rural communities across the Kingdom.

Speaking on day two of the Creative Women Forum in Riyadh, Dr. Selwa Al-Hazzaa, CEO of SDM, said she set up the company with her son, now managing director, Naif Al-Obaidallah.

“I have yet to see a company out there where there is a mother and her son is the co-founder with her,” Al-Hazzaa said.

“If this tells you anything, it means that we believe in our children and our children believe in us.”

SDM, which partners with nonprofit organizations, uses AI technology to carry out mass detection of chronic diseases through the retina.

“I want to democratize healthcare. If you’re a VIP, if you are a janitor that sweeps, you should be able to have the same healthcare. This is what AI is doing. We are going to make it cheap, we are going to make it accessible,” Al-Hazzaa said.

“We have already done more than 25,000 free examinations. We don’t charge. We started with the Ministry of Health and went to the areas that are poor and highly populated and illiterate, and now I run 13 charity centers where they examine diabetics.”

Al-Hazzaa was formerly head of the ophthalmology department at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, where she worked for 35 years. The decision to set up her own business came after a tragic incident involving a person with diabetes who went blind because of a delay to their treatment caused by hospital bureaucracy.

“This was frustrating to me, I wanted to see the patients when they were still raw, when they were just diagnosed with diabetes,” she said.

“This just kept bothering me. Can you imagine out of frustration I was able to reach where I am today, running one of the largest health tech startups?”

Al-Hazzaa told the audience not to be afraid to take chances in life.

“I cannot believe the risks and the challenges that I took,” she said. “Get out of your comfort zone, navigate, this is where success comes in with challenges.”

Al-Hazzaa was the late King Fahd’s personal ophthalmologist and in 2013 was part of the first cohort of women to be appointed to the Shoura Council, the Kingdom’s official advisory body.

Patron of the Creative Women Forum Princess Noura bint Saud spoke about Al-Hazzaa’s vision and courage.

“From day one, Dr. Selwa has been an inspiration to me, her journey pioneering and being a leader in what she does, her passion and grit and wanting the better for her people, her community and her country and not accepting a solution that was not the best solution,” she told Arab News.

“Her courageousness for going out at the peak of her career and joining the startup world and doing that at her level and how society sees it, I think that is amazing and it inspires me for what I do for the culture and creative sector, to not accept anything less than the best.”

The princess highlighted the importance of bringing distinguished female leaders such as Al-Hazzaa to speak about their experiences and successes at the forum.

“It’s very important for us to see real-life examples globally and as well from Saudi women making it in their own way, in their own field. There is so much power in that and it keeps us moving forward.”

Monique Blokzyl, founder and CEO of HeartPowered Business, which helps startups to grow, said of Al-Hazzaa’s speech: “I’m really blown away. It’s been amazing. This woman is such a legend already, making it a mission herself to democratize medical solutions and healing to everyone through the power of AI is absolutely amazing.”

Border Guards hold awareness exhibition in Al-Jouf

Border Guards hold awareness exhibition in Al-Jouf
Updated 10 October 2024

Border Guards hold awareness exhibition in Al-Jouf

Border Guards hold awareness exhibition in Al-Jouf

SAKAKA: The Saudi General Directorate of Border Guards in the Al-Jouf region has organized an awareness exhibition, called “A Nation Without Violators,” at the Cities Mall in Sakaka.

The event, which is being held until Oct. 13, is to help raise awareness about the importance of adhering to border security and residency laws, as well as reporting those violating the rules.

The exhibition is part of the Ministry of the Interior’s media and communication efforts and aims to inform the public about border security regulations and the penalties for those who facilitate the entry of border security law violators into the Kingdom, transport them within the country, provide shelter, or offer any form of assistance.

Separately, land patrols in Al-Raboah, Asir, have foiled an attempt to smuggle 85 kg of qat. Preliminary procedures have been completed and the seized narcotics handed to the authorities.

In addition, authorities in Al-Daer, Jazan, have arrested three Ethiopian border security violators for attempting to smuggle 240 kg of qat. Legal procedures have been initiated against them, and the seized items handed over to the authorities.

Madinah Dates Season empowers families in cottage industry

Madinah Dates Season empowers families in cottage industry
Updated 10 October 2024

Madinah Dates Season empowers families in cottage industry

Madinah Dates Season empowers families in cottage industry

MADINAH: The Madinah Dates Season continues to empower families working in the cottage industry with workshops and seminars presented by industry experts.

These sessions aim to enhance skills in manufacturing and handicrafts related to the dates industry, providing valuable knowledge for participants to develop their projects.

Around 35 families have benefited from this training, the Saudi Press Agency reported recently.

The Madinah Dates Season will be held until the end of this year, featuring an exhibition, events, and competitions designed to elevate the industry through innovative and creative solutions.

Islamic affairs minister meets mosque staff in Baha region

Islamic affairs minister meets mosque staff in Baha region
Updated 10 October 2024

Islamic affairs minister meets mosque staff in Baha region

Islamic affairs minister meets mosque staff in Baha region

AL-BAHA: Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance Sheikh Abdullatif bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh met mosque staff in the city of Al-Baha on Wednesday.

The meeting at the Prince Sultan Cultural Center included imams, preachers and supervisors from the Al-Baha region and governorates.

Al-Sheikh stressed the leadership’s support for mosques to fulfill their mission and achieve the highest quality standards in services.

He said that the ministry had employed more than 60,000 staff, both males and females, across the Kingdom, while nearly 2,000 employees were hired to work in the ministry’s branch in Al-Baha’s region and its governorates.